About Us
In the rolling hills of Ohio’s heartland we have several acres where we raised our 5 children, most who are still at home with us. It was here where we bought our first Bernese Mountain dog as our family pet and fell in love with her.
We bought Tasha, our first Berner, about 14 years ago. She was a wonderful family pet to our 3 sons and 2 daughters. It’s because of our experience with Tasha that we became passionate about raising Bernese puppies and providing quality pets for families all across the US.
We’ve spent the last 14 years learning about and understanding the Bernese Mountain Dog. We decided to partner up with several other families, who also raise Bernese puppies, to connect your family with the perfect pets that provide companionship for you and your family for years. We are committed to offering puppies on this website that are healthy, well cared for, and have a great start to being a part of your family. We give you the opportunity to meet the family who owns the puppies and parents, or if you are to far away to meet them in person, we will do our best to help you select your choice through photos. We will be happy to answer questions you may have. For general questions, you can contact us at 330-231-0792.
If you know the Bernese Mountain dog, you know that they are loyal, strong and proud, and make a wonderful pet. We, along with the breeders we partnering with, are committed to providing quality healthy companions to dog lovers like you.

Health Guarantee
We guarantee each puppy to have immunizations and worming medication as is age appropriate. We will provide a schedule of immunizations completed. If a puppy dies within the first year, of congenital defects, we will replace that puppy with another of equal value when we have a litter available. A veterinarian must determine that the death is a result of congenital defects, and we reserve the right to have our own veterinarian confirm the diagnosis.
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